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Eat yourself young!

Want to live 45% longer lives? Pomegranates may be the secret ingredient!

Also known as the “food of the gods”, pomegranates are found to contain a substance called Urolithin A which prompts cells to recycle and rebuild themselves, clear away the defective parts of the cell to make space for replacements and regenerate mitochondria (involved in energy production). Sounds amazing right?!  Before you start eating pomegranate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the study that produced these results used worms and rodents in their tests. You also need to have the right sort of bacteria in your gut to breakdown and convert the raw ingredient of pomegranate to Urolithin A.

There is still cause to include pomegranates into your diet because they are stacked with antioxidants. Keep an eye out, clinical trials on human patients are underway so you may see this product in the supermarkets in the future!


Frontline magazine