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Soft Tissue Techniques

At Wimbledon Physiotherapy Clinic we use these techniques to mobilise tissue. In particular, we use passive stretching of contractile tissues, myofascial release and massage.

All of the above techniques help with the following:

  • In acute injuries they assist healing which helps prevent chronicity
  • Assists older injuries to heal by breaking down adhesions and therefore restoring mobility
  • Reduces muscle spasm leading to restoration of normal movement
  • Helps prevent muscle injuries and reduces build-ups form frequent training

Deep tissue massage also helps relieve tension and prepares the area for further manual therapy techniques, which we find very useful, especially in the neck and shoulders.

In more painful conditions, very tender areas can develop what is known as trigger points, which can lead to muscle contraction.

Deep tissue techniques can concentrate on these areas and restore normal tissue extensibility and blood supply.

News & Advice

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    Running gait and injury

    Running styles that can commonly lead to soft tissue injuries

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    Inflammation and Repair in Soft Tissue in Sports Injuries

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    Optimists Live Longer !

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