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Caroline North

Caroline North

Our Receptionist Caroline has been a vital part of our team since 2019. With her background in Sales and Marketing and exceptional organisational skills, Caroline makes sure that everything at the clinic is running smoothly. From Monday to Wednesday Caroline can be found manning the front desk, answering any questions patient’s may have and helping make their  time at the clinic as productive and enjoyable as possible.

When not at work Caroline is kept very busy at home by her two teenage sons. Interior design, furniture restoration, DIY, cycling and Yoga are just a few interests of hers and if you’re ever in need of a TV series recommendation, she’s got you covered.

News & Advice

  • Running gait and injury

    Running gait and injury

    Running styles that can commonly lead to soft tissue injuries

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  • Inflammation and Repair in Soft Tissue in Sports Injuries

    Inflammation and Repair in Soft Tissue in Sports Injuries

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  • Optimists Live Longer !

    Optimists Live Longer !

    After decades of research, a new study links optimism and prolonged life.

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